The reoccurring theme that is popping up right now is “simplicity.”
Every time I turn around there are divine signs telling me to simplifying my life. I was in a checkout line at the grocery store and I asked the Lord what is it the Lord was saying to me now. Immediately, I noticed a beautiful cover of Real Simple magazine (of course) it was talking about simplifying your life. There it was again, the reoccurring theme that keeps showing up.
So, now that I experienced my “aha” moment I am asking the question, “How do I simplify my life?”
There is a holy balance that you can achieve where you can enjoy all that life has to offer, live fully in your gifts, and not self-destruct in the process.
Nicole Pride
One of the major messages for me during the pandemic was to slow down and not to overcrowd my schedule – to slow down my pace. When I think about how I lived pre-pandemic, I realize that I was always on the go. I thought of my super-busy schedule like it was a superhero outfit. My schedule was like some badge of honor because I always had something to do and always had somewhere to go. I just had to go, go, go, go, go. I was convinced that my bustling lifestyle was the picture of me living my best life. Cramming it all in and not leaving anything out was the epitome of experiencing life – so I thought. However, was I truly benefitting and really experiencing the moment always rushing to the next thing? No, I wasn’t. Not only did I find myself running to the next thing, I always found myself running late. You know that fast paced ostentatious walk when you have somewhere to go? I thought that was a symbol of my status. I mind as well have been wearing an expensive handbag or designer shoes.
Now, I am listening to what God is saying about how to live. The goal isn’t to be busy, but to be effective. I’m exchanging a frantic lifestyle for peace and joy. I want to experience everything the moment has to offer.
I realize my story may not mean much for someone who is living the busy lifestyle. I’d say to her, you don’t know what you are missing until you are forced to stop. I pray that no one has to get to that point where they are forced to slow down because learning that lesson really isn’t fun. It takes time to grow and develop to get out of the situation you created. So, come back and meet me here afterward if that is you.
Yet, if you are that person who is taking heed to this message now, I encourage you to make room in your schedule so that you can breathe and enjoy life, and not run your mind and body down.
There is a holy balance that you can achieve where you can enjoy all that life has to offer, live fully in your gifts, and not self-destruct in the process. The only way you can achieve that type of harmony is through God and listening to the Holy Spirit’s direction. You can’t do that when you are moving at such a frantic pace.