When I have a big dream that I want to make a reality, right away I see all the steps that need to be taken and sometimes, in my enthusiasm, I try to accomplish all the milestones immediately. That is neither practical nor smart. It’s just impatient. In my zeal (more like false sense of urgency), I exhaust my energy and money. The wise action to take is to move forward methodically, doing what I can now, instead of trying to make happen what I can’t.
Yet, the road to achieving our deepest dreams require more than just removing the out-of-reach to-do items off our checklist. The key is concentrating on the things that God is directing us to do now, even when it seems counterintuitive or goes against culture. This concept is what Michael Todd, lead pastor of Transformation Church in Tulsa, calls moving at the pace of grace. This concept is deeper than just slowing down (because sometimes we’re called to pick up our speed), but it’s about being obedient to God.
Moving at the Pace of Grace
Here are some practical steps to reduce overwhelm, yet be effective in living out your purpose:
- Write down all of the action items you have to take to get from where you are now to where you want to end up. Write everything.
- Then categorize each item in one of two columns, short-term or long-term.
- File the list of long-term steps.
- Review the short-term list and break it down further. Put items either in the “Immediate” or “Soon” column. The immediate column are things that you think you can accomplish over the next three months.
- Now pray over the list of immediate tasks. Ask God if there is anything missing that should be on the list. Next, ask God which one item should you focus on now. Over the next few days intently listen and look for what God is showing you. He speaks through conversations with others, articles you read, lyrics, something you notice, and through Scripture of course. When you get your marching orders, move on it. Don’t delay and be sure to finish what you start.
- Repeat the prior step until you complete your “Immediate” list.
- Once the “Immediate” list is complete, concentrate on the “Soon” list using the same process.
- Don’t get caught up on how long it takes you to complete an action item. Just be sure to finish it.
- Find someone else who is trying to accomplish a significant goal and schedule regular times to check in on each other’s progress.
Need help developing a strategy?
Watch Michael Todd’s testimony you’ll be encouraged!