Not long before the pandemic, I was having lunch with a colleague and I shared with her that I felt an uneasiness in my spirit.
I felt like God and my spirit were having a conversation, but my mind couldn’t comprehend the discussion. There was this tension. I was resistant to something.
Another colleague happened to sit next to us, and I shared a little. He simply said, “I have found that life is a series of surrendering.”
Well, that theme of surrender stayed with me for a while after that conversation. The word kept popping up in everything I read and heard. I even framed the word and kept it on my nightstand for a while.
You see a preacher, the Reverend Dr. Alyn E. Waller, said in a sermon that it’s likely that you and I aren’t trying to decide between good and evil. Most of you have several good options and are trying to choose among them. But the real question is are you going to choose God.
I recently made a significant decision and I believe I chose God. The signs leading me were undeniable. However, I believe the process started years ago at that lunch table with my colleagues, followed by a long succession of surrendering.
If you are like me, you don’t act right away when God tells you to move. It isn’t until events happen with a growing intensity and frequency that you are forced to seek God’s will. Because remember, after all, your other option is good.
One of the reasons I delayed doing what God was prompting me to do is because the option didn’t look anything like what I had envisioned – in fact, far from it. And to fuel my rebellion, another option was introduced into the mix that looked exactly like what I had envisioned.
Dear friend, if this is your situation. Don’t mistake surrendering to God as an inferior option. Hold on to the fact that God’s plan for you is good and hope-filled. Hold on to the fact that God’s spirit working through you will far exceed what you can imagine or expect. However, that level of hope and that level of power is only achieved by responding “Yes” to God.