Moving Forward

Courageously Making Room for More

When it comes to my personal space, I have no problem getting rid of stuff. I easily toss things in the trash that have no value or give away things in good condition that no longer serve me. In fact, I get great delight watching strangers load their vehicles with free furniture, equipment, and supplies that I put on the curb. However, from time to time I suffer from hoarding. I have a propensity to keep pursuing plans, ideas, initiatives, jobs, businesses and other things that no longer serve me in my current season.

I struggle with “Wanting-to-do-it-all” syndrome. It can be hard to face the facts that some things that I either enjoyed doing or did very well are no longer meant for me to keep pursuing. If I don’t periodically purge my positions, I run the risk of holding on to roles that I am supposed to hand over to others or end completely – all the while taking on the new roles that are really meant for me in this season of my life. This is why I periodically pause and ask myself questions. What is preoccupying my time? Am I doing what God wants me to do now? Should I still be doing X (replacing X with the activity or initiative I am committed to at the moment)? Without pausing to assess my situation, I just end up with a cluttered head space and responsibilities that are zapping me of my energy, money and joy. Instead of enjoying the freedom of operating in my gifts and fulfilling my destiny, I become weighted by unnecessary tasks, demands, and expenses.

At the heart of holding on to things past their season is fear – being afraid that the new thing won’t work out as good as the old thing. So, rather than operating in fear and creating situations that leave me stuck and ineffective, I make the decision to fully commit to what is divinely assigned to me now. My ears and heart are open to receiving divine instruction and giving it my best.

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