There comes a time when you have to put your plan into action. You have the vision. You have studied. You have contemplated. You have been prepped. The strategy is in place.
Enough already. Now is the time to take action.
What holds us back from doing what we know to do? In most cases, it can be reduced to a lack of confidence. We don’t know how others will respond. We aren’t certain how it will play out. What if [fill in all your fears and doubts here].
Do you know how to get past this point? You have to believe in something bigger than yourself. You see, you know your flaws and shortcomings better than anyone else. It is those insecurities that you thought were conquered that begin to grip you just when your opportunity to move forward becomes available. You can push through all of your second-guessing and the naysayers when you know you are backed by God (and you did the prep work and took the time to get God’s instruction).
Just think about it, the creator of the multiple universes, the One who sees and knows all things is in your corner. Just pause for a moment and let that sink in a bit. That is amazing, isn’t it?
In Mark 11:5, the disciples had a choice to make in the face of opposition: Speak as they were instructed by Jesus (read Mark 11:1-3), make up their own response, or turn around and go back with their purpose unfulfilled.
The disciples decided to follow Jesus’ instructions and fulfilled their purpose for that mission.
You were uniquely created. You have purpose. God has the most effective and efficient strategy for your life. Seek God, develop your plan with God, and move forward boldly knowing God will handle the outcomes.